Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Mapusa Market chaos 28.03.2016

Editor sir, 

Mapusa Market is the most sought after market due to availability of all the items within a radius . But The roads and the movement of vehicles are becoming more and more chaotic day by day  in this city. Dusty bumpy Roads dug up for sewerage pipe lines are not properly mended and are very dangerously waiting for mishaps  to happen. Roads which were wide enough for 2 four wheelers to pass have become singular usable due to the haphazard work of the contractor . If at all you manage to enter the market after all the traffic jams, road blocks  and neck/ hip  breaking travel . you will not get a decent parking place for your two-wheeler (forget the four wheeler)   as most of the parking spaces along the main gate are occupied by long distance office goers who keep their vehicles parked from morning to evening and travel by bus to and fro. Inside the market the mess is more . walking and shopping is a nuisance as two wheelers keep on giving you fright as you walk with your shopping bag. just the other day a lady rider bumped in a man inside the market area lost control and fell. Although one is not suppose to get the wheels inside the market the poor pedestrian had to bear the brunt of the lady Jackie Chang who beat the hell out of the pedestrian in full public view and more beating he got from the people who came in support of the weakling. Shoppers are facing with parking woes and on top fear of getting on the way of two wheeler riders inside the market not to forget the back breaking dusty ride to get to the market .  Due to these factors businesses are suffering heavy losses as  less customers visits the shops inside the market   Coming back to the state of affairs of the concern govt. departments, the Shoddy works of the contractor doing the sewerage pipe line job is very much open for anybody to see but no action on the ground as tyres of  vehicles just sinks in the tank holes covered  with loose soil. Hope the concern MLA ,counsellors and PWD  will take a little extra efforts in relieving the common man of his woes in visiting the Mapusa city. 

Alvares clarence
Sangolda/ Saligao

Friday, March 18, 2016



  • Def Expo: Goa church wing slams notice to protestors

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10:11 HRS IST
Panaji, Mar 16 (PTI) A social arm of Goa church has taken a dim view of notices issued to those objecting to the Defence Expo scheduled in the state later this month.

"The right to peaceful dissent and opposition against various forms of injustice is a fundamental right under the Freedom of Expression under Article 19 of the Constitution and a fundamental duty as in Article 51-A," Council for Social Justice and Peace's executive secretary Fr Savio Fernandes said in a statement issued here.

"The unprecedented instances of abuse of state machinery and judiciary by the state and Union government in a bid to curb the secular, socialist and democratic spaces of citizens by concocting stories about possible threat to security and law and order is a matter of serious concern and absolutely deplorable," he said.

The Council has appealed to Goa government to adopt a path of dialogue with citizens and refrain from misusing state power to repress dissent from the people against destructive and wasteful development projects erasing the rich ecology of the state and threatening livelihood of the local people.

The notices were issued by the South Goa district administration yesterday to several protesters who have been holding demonstrations against the upcoming event, including local panch member Charles D'Silva, for agitating against the Expo to be held at Naqueri-Betul village, scheduled between March 28 and 31.

The issue was yesterday also raised on the floor of House by Congress legislator Aleixo Reginaldo Lourenco, who claimed that the government has "snatched democratic right of the people to agitate".

A section of people have been protesting against the DefExpo claiming that they were not taken into confidence while deciding the venue for the event.

With more than 977 companies and 46 countries registering for the upcoming Defence Expo scheduled in Goa, the Defence Ministry earlier said the event is steering the path of steady growth.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Vote a Regional party to secure our childrens future on herald 2012 elections

In the run up to the 2012 goa elections, politicians are out to woe the voters with a lot of goodies. A former CM  has realized their foully after so many years of committing the same and Mr. Matany Saldhanha is preaching the lessons of forgiveness only to achieve his goals in life and ambitions of BJP to rule the state, who are using the clean image to gamer the support of minorities .But if the situations for the minorities have not changed in other states ruled by the party like orissa ad karnataka where christians are illtreated , then how  will the trial and error method work here .As a true goan I never expected a crusader of the goan cause to go and join BJP and back the national agenda and ideologis of BJP. It looks like he has fogotten the most important requirement for Goa , the Special status for the state which the BJP will never acknowledge . the fact that Mr MAthany is now talking about progress of the country, India and indians itself smells of the taking  over of  his mind by the ideologies of BJP who believe  in akand bharat and hindutva . He also was talking about bringing the Gujrat model to our sate politics. here too he is mistaken and has fogothen what happened to the muslim community during Godra., how even a mother's womb was torn open and the foetus held on a sword and the  roiters dancing its brutalism and Mr Mathany soon after joining preaches forgiveness to such a party who never condemn the acts commited against the minorities. May be he is only talking about the Parrikar Govts's foully during the tenure of BJP in Goa  but the  forceful entry into the Bishops palace , good friday holiday and destroying name plates on christian houses cannot be forgiven .  his gujrat model, a national party which also has got  their national high commands to decade on every action pertaining to Goa and goans without understanding what the niz goankar wants.
Only a regional party with the goans themselves taking decisions about Goa is what every goan is dreaming about. the goan people has to decide whether to bring in a change we have to ring in another national party or look up to the regional parties and the clean individuals entering the fray who can give us a clean government and cater to the needs of goans and goa at large.Dont let the non goans decide about Goa and its people but we the people of GOa has to bring in the much needed change in this election.

appeared on herald  march 2012